Hundreds of thousands starving in Yemen

The Arab Spring which began on 18 Decemeber 2010 in Tunisia, was a wave of revolutions across several North African and Middle Eastern countries against the current state of affairs.
What's been happening?
The instability in most of these countries is still prominent with Syria catching global headlines frequently as it has sparked a global crisis in which many countries are supporting several different sides. Yemen, although hitting less in the spotlight, is also suffering since it's revolt in 2011. Houthi militants entered the capital of Sana'a in 2014 and managed to take control of the government while the president fled to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia.
What's being done?
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Donor fatigue has been a key issue for the Yemeni crisis. A recent story published by Al Jazeera has also shed light on the fact that when donations do arrive they sometimes aren't what the people need. The story talks of a man who needs to feed his family but receives blankets and mattresses. Luckily, this man was able to sell these in the market and then buy food for his family as these did not have value to him. There is a clear need for donors to give to charities who are present in Yemen in order to combat starvation which currently impacts hundreds of thousands.
Where else has this been happening?
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Ad eam eros iusto urbanitas, rebum ridens aliquip sea ne. An pri delenit accusamus expetendis, vis nulla aperiri ei. Munere putant meliore te sea. Usu ei diam virtute fastidii, id usu quis amet veri. Nobis recteque vix te, at mollis accusata sit, eu mea epicuri quaestio.